GdB House,Block H, Tegeta Dar es Salaam +255 767 105 027

Business and Enterprise Growth

1. Business Planning - We prepare business plans for enterprises, companie and individual entrepreneurs.

2. Performance Management - We help enterprises to set up i) performance targets, ii) key performance indicators(KPI) to measure targets, iii) resources capacities and conditions needed and, iv) performance review mechanism.

3. Business health-check - We help enterprises to assess their health in relation to i) taxation, ii) laws and regulations, iii) financing strategy, iv) workflow system.

4. Financial Management - We provide services such as i) financial policies and control systems, ii) accounting services, iii) business formalization, iv) risk identification and management, vi) costs and budget forecasts etc.

5. Market Access - We help enterprises achieve greater market access through i) market reseacrh and intelligence, ii) brand awareness survey, iii) consumer insights survey, iv) marketing strategies and tools.

6. Operation Optimization - We help enterprises to optimize operations and maximize returns on investment.